Position: Porn-comic » Occidental » "Lusty In Fantastic Breasts" Nouveau Liste des chapitres
Lusty In Fantastic Breasts

Lusty In Fantastic Breasts

A porn fantasy comic about Lusty! She’s a flirty elf adventurer with a cute little sidekick called Swig. The tone is fun, sexy, lgbtq positive, so please enjoy! Chapter 1 is Lusty and the Cunning Snakelord, where Lusty and Swig come upon an ancient castle seeking lost treasure, but something devious is lurking in the dark halls. Chapter 2 is Fantastic Breasts and Where to Find Them. A mysterious little witch takes an interest in Lusty, hoping to use the elf in her unknown schemes. Chapter 3 is Fantastic Breasts: The Crimes of Lilya. Lilya the little gay witch has used her magic to mess with the elf adventurer. Now Lusty wants to get even!
Date: 2023-07-13 visites: 17.6K

Liste des chapitres (Anglais)

4 Chapitres au total
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

visites: 2.8K Date: 2023-07-13
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

visites: 2.5K Date: 2023-07-13
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

visites: 4.6K Date: 2023-07-13
Chapter 4

Chapter 4

visites: 3.1K Date: 2023-07-13

Occidental Classement mensuel


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