The Legend Of Zelda,The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess,Hyrule Warriors Link,Princess Zelda,Samus Aran,Midna,Imp Midna,Young Link,Malon,Zelda,Linkle,Princess Ruto,Medli,Tetra,Young Zelda,Saria,Aryll,Purah,Mila,Ilia,Redead doujin anime by Jcm2,Pumpkinsinclair (Jesus Avalos),Andava,Hoshime,Reit,The Boogie,Padoga,Greatm8,Mion Orz,Maniacpaint,Zone,Lumineko,Soulcentinel,Bard-Bot,Lesdias,Pears,Ponkosfm,4ere4nik,Fupoo,Speedosausage,Orenji (Wholesomeorenji),Blsh,Soubriquetrouge,Callmehaymaker,Kit
媒體: 視頻(有音頻)
仿自: 塞爾達傳說 , 塞爾達傳說:黃昏公主 , 塞爾達無雙 ,
角色: 林克 , 塞爾達公主 , 薩姆斯·阿蘭 , 米德娜 , imp midna , young link , malon , 塞爾達 , 林可兒 , princess ruto , medli , tetra , young zelda , 塞雷娅 , aryll , 普爾亞 , 米拉 , ilia , redead ,
藝術家: jcm2 , pumpkinsinclair (jesus avalos) , andava , hoshime , reit , the boogie , padoga , greatm8 , mion orz , maniacpaint , zone , lumineko , soulcentinel , bard bot , lesdias , pears , ponkosfm , 4ere4nik , fupoo , speedosausage , orenji (wholesomeorenji) , blsh , soubriquetrouge , callmehaymaker , kit ,
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